Aarhus University Seal


The DeiC Interactive HPC Consortium

Aarhus University is part of the DeiC Interactive HPC Consortium. The other members of the consortium are SDU and Aalborg University. The computing resources are located at SDU and Aalborg University while Aarhus University is responsible for the advanced services offered to researchers using Interactive HPC and the administration of interactivehpc.dk - a digital resource for DeiC Interactive HPC front offices. 

The Danish e-infrastructure Cooperation

The Danish e-infrastructure Cooperation (DeiC) coordinates Danish digital infrastructure as an umbrella for the eight Danish universities to ensure delivery of computing, storage, and network infrastructure to Danish research, teaching and innovation. 

The owners of DeiC are the Ministry of Higher Education and Science and the Danish universities jointly. The universities and DeiC are collaborating on the establishment and operation of the national HPC landscape, which will ensure the necessary and sufficient computing power for Danish research now and in the future. The universities handle operations and development, while DeiC has a coordinating role.