Aarhus University Seal

Technical specifications

The Interactive HPC cluster consists of 90 nodes, with a total of 2,896 cores and 37 TB of memory.  The theoretical peak performance is around 118 teraflops.  

Types of nodes:  

  • Dell PowerEdge C6420, 384/768 GB DDR 4-2666, 2x Intel Xeon Gold 6130 16-Core @ 2.10GHz  
  • 64-core virtual machine 256 GBs of RAM  
  • 40-core virtual machine with 160 GBs of RAM and 4 NVIDIA T4 GPUs  
  • 40-core virtual machine with 160 GBs of RAM and 4 NVIDIA A10 GPUs 

The DeiC Interactive HPC facility is deployed at two sites: 

DeiC interactive HPC (SDU):

Kubernetes cluster hosted and maintained at SDU. This provides the default storage and compute resources on the UCloud platform. 

DeiC interactive HPC (AAU):

OpenStack cluster hosted and maintained at AAU. This is used to deploy virtual machines and is primarily for GPU usage.