Aarhus University Seal

DeiC Interactive HPC

  • Interactive High Performance Computing
  • Part of the national HPC landscape

What is Interactive HPC?

DeiC Interactive HPC is a high performance computing facility or in other words a supercomputer. What separates Interactive HPC from traditional HPC facilities is the fact that it is interactive allowing for flexibility and a higher degree of experimentation than researchers can achieve on HPC facilities made primarily for unattended batch jobs.

Upgrade your personal computer to a high performance computer

Interactive HPC also has the advantage of familiarity as it is accessed through a browser featuring a large amount of preinstalled applications which the user is already familiar with when working on their personal computer. In that sense Interactive HPC feels much like having upgraded your personal computer to a supercomputer - with the added high level of security and superb options for collaboration.

Interactive HPC areas of application and inspiration

Become inspired by our cases where users of DeiC Interactive HPC from all the Danish universities share their experiences and application of the high performance computer excelling by being a valuable resource to all research areas from language to particle physics.



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